Tuesday, May 19, 2020

bacon box!

cleaning months and months and MONTHS worth of bacon and shipping notifications out of my inbox is pretty relaxing, like housekeeping without breaking a sweat or disturbing the dust. but boy-howdy is it time-consuming. i just lost about 5 hours to it and i am nowhere NEAR done.

why i gotta have such good taste, and such poor discipline?

Monday, May 18, 2020

slow down, it's A Dark Room

with no way to log in there's no way to save progress long-term, like my Fallen London game. i hadn't logged in to that for at least 5 years and it still had my player info.

but no login also means you can start playing the minimalist fantasy A Dark Room as soon as you land. the consequences for wandering away from your Bronze Age village are minimal as well, so i can be as capricious a god as i please.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Rise of the RotGOO

hey remember Fallen London? the game that lives where Rise of the Great Old Ones died...

anyway, it's still there, and as strange and inexplicable as ever.

so how are you doing?